Wrap Feature 101: Everything to Know

Wrap Feature

The wrap feature on Shade Protocol allows you to convert regular cryptocurrencies into their privacy-preserving counterparts. For instance, you can take SCRT, the gas token for Secret Network, which is public by default, and wrap it into its private version called sSCRT or BTC can be wrapped as wBTC.  The wrap feature serves as a gateway to seamlessly transition between public and private asset forms, ensuring compatibility with ShadeSwap's privacy-preserving ecosystem.

On the wrap page, you can take any of the listed tokens and turn it into a private version of itself. Conversely, if you need to convert your private tokens back into their public forms, the unwrap function is available on this page.  

Note that all the pools, and all the swaps on ShadeSwap are with the private versions of these tokens since this DEX is privacy focused. All bridged assets will automatically be wrapped when bridging them to the Shade App, so you will most likely not need to use this feature. 

If you're new to our app, check out our #ShadeGuide playlist for additional tutorials to help you get familiar with the Shade app and become a pro user. We have videos that will walk you through all the features step-by-step.


Information provided in this post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute formal investment advice. Please read the full disclaimer at shadeprotocol.io/disclaimer before relying on any information herein.

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