Redefining Crypto Participation: Introducing eSHD, the Engagement Token That Changes Everything
Are you tired of the same old point systems and DeFi capital commitments? Do you long for a more enjoyable and social way to engage with your favorite crypto projects?
Look no further! Introducing eSHD, the ultimate engagement token that’s set to redefine the crypto landscape.
Unlike traditional points systems, eSHD doesn’t require you to put capital at risk or lock up assets. Instead, you can earn eSHD simply by engaging with social media posts, completing challenges, and participating in various activities. This innovative approach to token distribution is designed to create a sense of community and reward users for their energy and enthusiasm around a token economy that can also be redeemed for meaningful rewards.
All while giving eSHD the opportunity to convert into meaningful SHD rewards among many possible rewards, powered by YOUR engagement.
One way to participate is through:
Zealy offers easy quests that help you earn eSHD through quick and fun activities. You can also earn eSHD through other platforms like Discord, Telegram, and Twitter. Each quest you complete earns you points, and you can see where you rank against other people. Our top questers will take home eSHD which will be redeemable for a variety of onchain and offchain rewards.
Join Telegram:
Redeeming eSHD
eSHD can be redeemed in some of the following ways:
(1) “eDrops” — campaigns where users can redeem their eSHD for SHD using Shade Bonds. These drops are first come, first serve, with limited capacity, rewarding users who actively track and engage with eDrops. & eSHD
The first of many eDrops will be on November 28th with $1,250 worth of SHD up for grabs to be redeemed for with eSHD.
There will also be an eSHD for eSHD engagement lock bond— empowering eSHD holders to lock up their tokenized engagement for more eSHD.
(2) eSHD leaderboard competition — unlock NFTs, titles, earn exclusive randomized drops, and gain access to in person events / apparel / alpha based on your leaderboard standings
(3) Exclusive gated telegram rooms. Level up and traverse the ladder of checkpoints.
(4) eSHD Clans — pick a DAO and compete with other eSHD clans to engage and grow Shade Protocol the best. Burn eSHD to grow your DAOs share of eSHD accrual.
(5) Countless other features to be developed by the eSHD community
How To Earn eSHD
Unlike point ecosystems that ask users to risk capital, eSHD takes the opposite approach. No capital locked up to earn eSHD. No meme token tied to a liquidity pool.
10,000 eSHD will be disbursed at the first eDrop on November 28th.
Dispersal amounts for the various competitions and tasks will be announced soon. Stay tuned :)
At a high level, eSHD is earned via engagement:
Social media competitions
Daily telegram / discord engagement / twitter engagement
Creation of educational materials
Feedback for the core team
Consumption of Shade Protocol media
Earn via FUN activities :)
Be a Shade Spartan holder
Non Zealy based competitions are as follows (to be dispersed 24 hours before first eDrop):
All wallets shared from eDROP Twitter announcement prior to November 1st
Best user generated content
Best stickers for Telegram
Initial Zealy competitions to earn eSHD are the following:
Social media
Follow Shade Protocol Twitter
Telegram — join Shade channel
Discord — join Shade server
YouTube — watch a video and follow Shade Protocol Youtube channel
Chompy’s World:
Poll: What does Chompy look like
Poll: Do you want to be Chompy’s Friend
Invite 3 friends
Private Details — give your TG, Discord or Twitter info in the event we need to contact you for airdrop
Give secret wallet address
Shade Spartans:
Upload proof of NFT from Stashh
Upload photo of special NFT holder claimables from Stashh
Secret Network:
Follow on Twitter
Poll: Whats your favorite project built on SN
Follow on Twitter
Tweet reaction on FINA’s Silk Card post
Poll: Which feature are you most excited for
Follow on Twitter
Screenshot your Shade Collectibles
The Crossroads Of Engagement X Community

Historically, one of the greatest destroyers of communities have been point systems tied to DeFi capital commitments. Protocols love using points methodology as they get TVL stat boosts and usage boosts on their protocol (short term) without needing to immediately pay users for these capital commitments / sacrifices. Users have been willing to take these risks, as long as the methodology will reward them for their efforts. Some protocols have tried to reward both social engagement and capital engagement. But inevitably, the cost of capital is significantly higher than the cost of rewarding engagement — creating an imbalance that leaves engagement focused users on an island, their activity feeling undervalued compared to large tokenholders.
Anyone can like or retweet or interact with a telegram chat. These small gestures are sacrifices of focus and energy (still a cost, but a distinctly different kind of cost from capital). We believe these engaged offchain users have been grossly undervalued within protocol reward mechanisms.
Our theory of engagement is focused on giving rewards that push community status as a meaningful form of reward comboed with direct financial reward. Too much of reliance on one type of reward without the other makes the community either too financial in nature or potentially too disincentivized to elicit meaningful outcomes.

Naturally, both strong social ties and ethos can help boost the strength and meaningfulness of participating in a community, but the fundamental building blocks of a crypto community is the balance between social ties and financial incentive.
Point ecosystems (unfortunately) are almost purely financial by nature, hurting the odds of creating a truly sticky social community. The inability of point programs tied to capital commitments to generate sticky community makes perfect sense because the scale of sacrifice and scale of rewards is so large that the value derived by being part of the community is so far downstream that the social ties are not sticky enough (nor earned enough) to retain these mercenary users.
eSHD takes an alternative approach — attempting to value the engaged community members, regardless of their SHD holdings.
We want want to attempt this experiment of eSHD to see how far we can push the limits of a social token (that has real value) who’s supply comes into circulation purely via engagement. In this model, dilution of eSHD tokenholders is in favor of those who engage most recently.
Who We Are

The origin of the Shade Spartans and eSHD tokenholders is a simple tale — to be a staunch advocate of privacy and freedom inevitably puts you in the crosshairs of those who see our claims to digital sovereignty as a threat to their power. There are those who believe people must be protected at every turn. That security should be prioritized above the human experiment of individualism and experimentation. The powers at be are leaving an entire generation chained to the burden of malicious (not all) regulation. Disdainful pen & paper, stale and unromantic. Uninspired dead documents that stifle human ingenuity, and at worse, diminish it.
We Spartans.
We few, we chose few.
Pushed to the brink, night near extinct.
In the arena of the digital and physical world we lay it all on the line. We deeply value our dignity. We stake our future on the truth that there is no greater love than this: that a Shade Spartan would lay his security and freedom on the line to protect the future rights of his enemies.
You see, Spartans fight for the rights of those who oppress us. We fight to remove the chains from those that seek to place us in chains.
This is what it takes to be a city on a hill — a light in the darkness.This is what it takes to have the moral high ground.
Be part of the revolution with Shade Protocol’s newest initiative, the eSHD engagement token. Tired of the traditional DeFi point systems that demand your capital? eSHD offers a fresh and vibrant alternative, making community participation not only rewarding but also fun and engaging.
Earn eSHD by interacting with social media posts, completing challenges, and participating in community activities without any financial risk. This approach cultivates a dynamic and inclusive environment where your energy and enthusiasm are celebrated and rewarded. Dive into a world where social interactions, educational contributions, and feedback are valued as much as financial stakes.
With eSHD, you can redeem rewards, gain exclusive access, and truly become an integral part of the Shade community.
Join us today and redefine your crypto experience in a way that is engaging, rewarding, and absolutely transformative. Together, let’s shape the future of decentralized finance, one engagement at a time. Welcome to the new era of crypto participation — where your voice, actions, and presence truly matter.
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