July Syracuse Upgrade v0.2
Greetings community,
Since the successful Alexandria upgrade, the ShadeDAO contributors have been fully focused on preparing for Argos in September — a key upgrade that continues to push the boundaries of privacy UX while also revealing information on ShadeX (world’s first permissionless/generalized private money market).

In the interim, Syracuse 0.2 (pushed in July) is the set of changes tied to the Shade Protocol front-end, back-end and smart contracts.
Added support for Leap wallet
Various logo fixes in app
Shade staked balance loading bug
Fixed SHD staking unbond bug (front end issue)
Fixed dSHD unbonding front-end bug
Minimum one decimal to silk basket currency display
Fixed show of infinite price for silk on load
Miscellaneous chart optimizations and bug fixes
2 decimals minimum for USD prices (prices page)
Infrastructure improvements (moved to lavendar.5 nodes)
Back end server upgrades (reduce downtime w/Fargate)
Created SILK price feed & supply endpoint for Coingecko
Fixed broken filters on SILK analytics page
Fixed SILK stability pool 18 decimal reward claiming bug
Onboarded ERIS as an LST provider (ampKUJI + ampWHALE oracle support)
Created method to account for all SILK interest accrued in all vaults
The following is the list of pool fees updated to be in line with fee structure for all other pools:
SILK <> USDT (native)

In conclusion, the Syracuse v0.2 gets us one step closer to the launch of Argos — a significant milestones in Shade Protocol’s journey towards revolutionizing decentralized finance. Inspired by the legacy of ancient Argos, Shade Protocol stands as a beacon of innovation and financial autonomy in the decentralized landscape. The Argos update aims to bring symmetry, balance, and harmony to the Shade UX as we continue on the quest to refine user stories & the ease of traversing the Shade Protocol application.
With its commitment to privacy, ease of use, and continuous improvement through Syracuse upgrades, Shade Protocol is not only shaping the future of DeFi but also empowering individuals to reclaim control over their finances and data. As the community eagerly anticipates the release of Argos and beyond, Shade Protocol remains dedicated to its mission of building an unstoppable, decentralized financial ecosystem for all.
Website: app.shadeprotocol.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shade_Protocol
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