Revealing the Shade Bonds Launch Timeline and Airdrop Part Two

Unveiling the Shade Bonds product launch timeline and the second Shade airdrop. Join us as we move towards the launch of SILK, ShadeLend, and ShadeSwap.

Aug 18, 2022

Aug 18, 2022


Marketing Department

Marketing Department

Hello, Shade Protocol community!

We're thrilled to officially unveil the product launch timeline for Shade Bonds. Additionally, we're announcing the timeline for the second Shade airdrop for those who qualified. This airdrop will unlock the next 10% of the Shade airdrop for qualified users who interact with the official Shade Bond airdrop smart contract.

As we continue to make strides towards the launch of SILK, ShadeLend, and ShadeSwap this fall, there's never been a better time to join our community. As we like to say: “…there is plenty of room in the Shade…”

Official Timeline for Shade Bonds

Here's the official timeline for Shade Bonds:

  • LP Campaign (August 27th — September 26th)

  • Bonds (September 12th)

  • Airdrop — Part 2 (September 22nd)

  • SILK Bond — (September 25th)

Each event will begin at 2:00 pm. UTC on their respective dates.

LP Campaign (August 27th — September 26th)

To ensure the success of Shade Bonds, we need deeper liquidity to make bond opportunities more attractive. Additionally, we want to give users time to mint protocol desired LP tokens in advance of the ShadeBonds launch on September 12th.

Here are the details for the LP Campaign:

  • Rewards for stkd-SCRT / SHD pair on SIENNA will begin August 27th

  • The first ShadeBond offered will be for stkd-SCRT / SHD LP tokens

To prepare for the LP campaign and the first ShadeBond opportunity, you will need to:

  • Mint stkd-SCRT

  • Acquire SHD

Bonds (September 12th)

If you're unfamiliar, Shade Bonds are a powerful mechanism by which the ShadeDAO will be able to grow its set of protocol-owned assets. These assets can then be utilized to generate both liquidity for Shade Apps and yield for the protocol. The launch of bonds signals the beginning of deeper liquidity for users and powerful yield opportunities.

The first ShadeBond offered will be for stkd-SCRT / SHD LP tokens. Simply deposit your stkd-SCRT / SHD LP token into the smart contract, wait for your vesting period to complete, and claim your SHD — earning yield from the discounted bond.

We will announce other Cosmos-focused ShadeBonds in the coming month — bringing in Cosmos liquidity into the ShadeDAO in advance of ShadeSwap, SILK, and ShadeLend.

Airdrop — Part 2 (September 22nd)

To claim the next 10% of their SHD airdrop, qualified users will need to:

  • Have staked $ATOM, $SCRT, or $LUNA (pre-collapse) in 2021 from November 7th 5:00 pm. (UTC +0) through December 13th at 5:00 pm (UTC +0) — check to see if you qualified on the airdrop page.

  • Interact with the sSCRT Airdrop Bond released on September 22nd

SILK Bond (September 25th)

The first SILK Bond will be offered on September 25th — more details will be revealed on SILK bonds in the coming weeks. SILK bonds will aim to acquire stablecoin liquidity for the ShadeDAO and ShadeSwap.

Protocol Impact

The following are the benefits accrued with the targeted liquidity campaign, bonds, and the second airdrop:

  • Deeper liquidity for SHD — making bond opportunities more attractive

  • ShadeDAO accruing stablecoin liquidity

  • Additional adoption of stkd-SCRT, a revenue stream for Shade Protocol

  • Accrue fees from protocol-owned liquidity that is simultaneously yield-bearing

  • Acquire COSMOS assets that will be used by the ShadeDAO for bootstrapping LP pools

  • Acquire assets to bootstrap protocol-owned arbitrage.

  • User acquisition as return users discover the progress that has been made by Shade Protocol (staking derivatives, multi-chain airdrop, bonds)


Shade Protocol is an ambitious array of application-layer products focused on a simple end-user experience that involves the incorporation of privacy by default. These interconnected privacy-preserving DeFi products built on Secret Network will change DeFi as we know it — empowering the next generation of value creation and exchange. Shade Protocol is launching Silk: a privacy-preserving collateralized, reflexive stablecoin built on Secret Network.

Without privacy, DeFi is incomplete. Traditional financial markets offer a degree of privacy for users, and as a result, offer up greater protections in some capacity than existing DeFi markets. Shade Protocol will be the world’s first cohesive set of decentralized and privacy-preserving financial applications — ushering in a golden era for Web3. Shade Protocol will always push for privacy by default, privacy as an expectation, and privacy as the key to unlocking the full value of a decentralized future.

But we can’t do this without community. We need you to join our community and help make Silk and Shade Protocol a reality.

Information provided in this post is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute formal investment advice. Please read the full disclaimer at before relying on any information herein.

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